Monday, November 21, 2011

How can I clear up my blackheads?

I have lots of blackheads on my nose, and i have tried everything. is there some special way to clean my face to get rid of them?do u have any websites to go to that will help clear up my face or tips or something.How can I clear up my blackheads?
Though the best way to remove blackheads is an area of contention, the most common method for getting rid of blackheads is to gently squeeze them. Removing the “stuff” inside of the blackhead helps the skin because you are relieving the pressure which causes the damage. We know it can be nearly impossible to leave a blemish alone so here are some tips for gentle blackhead removal:

Use a mild scrub or exfoliant to remove any dead cells and expose the blackhead.

Pat your face dry.

Place a slightly warm compress on your face for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften the blackhead, making it easier to remove.

Pat your face dry again.

Place a piece of tissue on the tip of each finger to avoid slipping, which could tear the skin and cause further damage.

Gently apply even pressure to both sides of the blackhead by pushing down, then up around the blemish. You’re trying to apply the pressure from *underneath* the blackhead.How can I clear up my blackheads?
This is called the honey mask:

You will need PURE honey as it will dehydrate your skin and clear your blemishes and about half of a banana; the banana will moisturize your skin. Mix both together in a small bowl and put it on your face for 10 minutes, make sure you get it everywhere on your face especially the areas where you have the blemishes/acne.

After 10 minutes, rinse it off with a gentle cleanser (I recommend cetaphil or st. ives apricot cleanser because it washes away the dirt and oil on your face and cleans your face); also while you are rinsing your face, use luke warm water and then cold water to open and close your open to prevent acne.

After that, take some clean and clear persa gel 10 (works awesome!) and put that on before going to bed, next morning, rinse off and I swear your skin will feel sooo smooth and soft, also it will feel much more fresher and it will look radiant and clear your acne!

Also dont touch your skin because your hands contain natural oils on it which causes acne and oily skin, so avoid touching it!

And wash your face twice a day, morning and night

Also after you exercise, wash your face because the excess sweat can often make you breakout
Burt's Bees has awesome stuff for acne...I sell Mary Kay too, but if you want cheaper stuff, check out Burt's Bees..I use that instead of MK
Trying to ';pop'; them can cause scarring if your not careful. Exfolient is a good idea, or if it is bad enough go to a dermatologist. Also, wear less makeup, and if your active wear none. Your skin needs to breathe. after being active take a quick shower.

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