Monday, November 21, 2011

How can I get rid of blackheads without being expensive?

I have a lot of blackheads on my nose...and i've tried blackhead clearing scrubs, but they simply don't work. HELP!How can I get rid of blackheads without being expensive?
This is what you have to do...and I'm telling you, THIS WORKS. There is no need for you to spend money when you have everything you need in your kitchen. First steam your face for 10 minutes. Just put your face over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head. This will open up your pores. You can put some drops of lemon juice in the water because lemon is good for your face. Then pat your face with a towel when you're done because you will get sweaty. Then use a baking powder scrub. Mix a little bit of baking powder with a little bit of water just so that it is SLIGHTLY thick. Use that as an exfoliater on your nose. Just scrub your nose gently all over, focusing on the blackheads. Then rinse your nose with water and dry. Follow up with moisturizer. You have to do this about once a day for like...a couple of days. Doing this will unclog your pores and make your blackheads disappear. Picking and squeezing will not help, trust me. It will only make it worse. Good luck!How can I get rid of blackheads without being expensive?
Itz an ongoig process coz the pores have enlarged. So u need to cleanse, tone and mosturise daily. Try getting a free skin analysis at the beauty counters at the department stores and use a product for your skin type. You also have to exfoliate at least twice a week. The products you use dont neccessarily have to be expensive. They need to be specifically for your skin type.. The body shop has a blackhead remover that does a great job on the nose. Hope this helps.
You use those white glue used for crafts and constructions

1. Use a warm towel and cover your blackheads to open up your pores

2. Apply a thin layer of glue on the area with the blackheads

3. Let the glue dry completely, and peel it off slowly

This probably isn't up to par with the high-end Biore products, but then again, you asked for CHEAP! :)

Good luck, hope it works for you!
Steam once a week %26amp; scrub daily with normal scrub at any convenient time, make it a habit %26amp; it really helps. Removes dead cell %26amp; blackheads - result is glowing skin!

One thing to avoid is not to work too much on ur blackheads, it may worsen.
Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
strips ... blackhead removing strips ..

i use them once every 2-3 week and they really work

BIORE is the brand name and they arent that expensive
Eat healthy, exercise and dont pop them or pick at them
I want to get rid of my blackheads too!

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