Monday, November 21, 2011

How do I get rid of blackheads on my nose?

I have tons of blackheads and I want to get rid of them?

What do you advise that I do?

I'm currently just using a face toner..

Do you think I should use a face wash too? What brand?How do I get rid of blackheads on my nose?
Go to CVS or WELGREEN and look for pore strips. The people who work there should know where they are. They're good, I use them. You basically just wet the strip and place it on your nose. Just follow the directions on the pack. This will work for your nose, I don't think it will fit in your ears. You could probably rip a little piece off and try. But make sure you clean out your ears and nose with a wet washcloth and mild soap and water every time you bathe. This will help blackheads to no reoccur. Remember that blackheads are dirt and oil caught in your pores, so make sure you keep your skin clean and squeaky! The CVS or WALGREEN brand of pore strips only cost about $7 or something like that.How do I get rid of blackheads on my nose?
There are two ways that I know of. One is with a blackhead face scrub that you can find at most grocery stores.

The other way which works really well is a comedone extractor. It's a tool for removing zits and blackheads. It has a small metal loop that you press against the blackhead, which causes it to push out of your pore. You have to be careful not to press too hard though.
clean and clear blackhead clearing scrub. exfoliates and costs like3 bucks at rite aid. mix it with an equal amount of honey (sounds weird but i do it and it works :D) and scrub your face for like 20 secs on your problem areas. your acne-nesss will be gone in a couple days. awesome stuff.
Beat white part of an egg. Add one teaspoon of honey and with a cotton swab, apply it on face. Keep it around half an hour and then scrub well and rinse with warm water. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
How about pore strips?
  • skin care cosmetics
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