Monday, July 26, 2010

How do I get rid of zits and blackheads?

I was wondering if anyone knew any ';tricks'; to getting ride of zits, pimples, and blackheads. I use Clinique facial products and I use Cetiphil lotion everyday. But I still have blackheads around my nose [ nostriles ]. I need something thats works really quick. I have heard of some that work overnight... but I forgot them... does anyone know any quick ways to get rid of blackheads, or zits?How do I get rid of zits and blackheads?

It seriously works. It worked miracles for me.How do I get rid of zits and blackheads?
I tried the Clean%26amp;Clear Blackhead Clearing Scrub, and although it doesn't completely get rid of blackheads, it definitely makes them look smaller. It also helps clear other acne.

My daily skincare routine is wash (with a warming scrub, the C%26amp;C BCS, and another product to finish), then use toner (I use Olay Refreshing Toner) to remove all other traces of makeup, dirt and soap scum, and finish with a salicylic acid moisturizer that doesn't dry out my skin (I like Clean%26amp;Clear's Daily Moisturizer with salicylic acid). Another trick to get your skin really clean is to start by splashing your face with warm water to open pores, and when you're done, splash cold water on your face to close your pores.

Plus, a good spot treatment is gold when it comes to fighting acne. I use Clearasil Acne Treatment Cream- it works pretty quickly to reduce redness, although it takes longer to actually clear the acne.

For blackheads, here is a good facial:

1) Wash your face with a salicylic acid cleanser.

2) Steam face for five minutes to open pores. (Just boil some water and put it in a pot or a bowl. To create steam, simply blow on the hot water!)

3) Exfoliate your face with a good scrub (again, I use C%26amp;C BCS)

4) Moisturize with an oil-free face lotion.

You can do the same for zits and whiteheads, just add in a clay mask after exfoliating.

Hope that helps!
well, to keep healthy skin.. try not to use so many different products.. use one, let your face get use to it. it may break out for a day or so, then your face will get accustomed to it.. and stick to it.. changing products is the main problem.. be consistent
Free beauty tips on natural and homemade methods to blackheads

Also read.......

Skincare/Acne cure/Wrinkles/Blemishes/White heads/Black heads

Freckles/Steaming/Haircare/hair removal/hairloss/henna on hair

Dandruf/Manicure/Pedicure/Eye care/Darkcirles/Puffynes/Makeup/dry skin/oily skin ....etc.
You might be over-moisterizing your skin. DO NOT pop them, this will result in scars and they will come back. Try something designed for specifically blackheads or acne. Pore Refining Cleanser from Neutrogena is fantabulous and Clear Pore too.
I finally broke down and bought my daughter Proactive 3 weeks ago, it runs about $20 a month. Her acne is chronic which she inherited from her dad, and she started getting it at 9 y/o. So far I see a big difference, I can also get my $$ back if it doesn't work. It is worth it to me for her to have healthy skin, plus having acne just sucks bad. I have heard you have to use it religiously 2x everyday, and she does. She did get some drying at first, but not anymore. She has tried those knock-offs from the drug store, and had no results. You should at least try it, if it doesn't work they will give you a refund.
well, what you can use is clean and clear thatz whst wrks for me! but first check to see if your alergict to it cuz it'll be much worse if you are
Awww... everyone needs to quit saying proactive, I used the stuff, have you? It's too drying to you you want your skin to flake? There are way to many ';one size fits all'; acne solutions and skin cares out there. See a specialist like a dermatologist, Esthetican... or at least a personal skin care consultant like me to determine what your specific skin care needs are. Email me I'll help you.
For blackheads, I like to use the Biore Deep cleansing pore strips. It's soooooooo cool b/c you see them on the strip. They look like a little city. I also like to use Queen Helene's Mint Julep Mask, works wonders. Let me know how it goes.
As far as a ';quick-fix,'; you only have a few options:

If you can't stand the blackheads, you can use one of those extraction devices, but I would advise using warm water to open up your pores first. Still, there is a risk of scarring, but less than if you use your fingernails.

Also, there are those Biore strips you put on your nose or face and they are supposed to pull out the blackheads, although honestly that's never really worked for me.

Another thing is a device called Zeno Acne Clearing device which is supposed to clear up a pimple in 24-48 hours, but this item is a little pricey.

Personally, I use Differin gel for my acne, and it does a good job. Years ago, I used to have much worse acne and the only thing that worked for me back then was Accutane.

Anyway, hope this helps...

(Oh, and BTW, I don't like Cetaphil lotion. If your skin is prone to breakouts, you will probably have to be extremely selective in facial moisturizers.)
Do not pick at your zits/steam them no matter what because it will result in scarring and huge pores which are difficult to close. At certain dermatologists have used liquid nitrogen to close the pores but even that helps little. Biore strips do not get to the root and does not completely remove the zit. Avoid touching your face as this will only transfer the bacteria from your hands to your face. Microderm abrasion is very harsh on acne prone skin. Cetaphil has a great cleanser too one that moisturizes while not clogging pores. As for the overnight home remedies...I have heard but not tried the following: lemon oatmeal pastes, an olive oil and sea salt scrub, honey and mashed banana, a tomato cucumber flour mask, and applying toothpaste to the affected areas...... Good look with the acne!
how do u get rid of zits and blackheads well 1. quit eating greasy foods and Junkfood all the time 2. its called oxy or something like acne medicine to help you get rid of it
exfoiliate atleast once a week and try biore nose strips
Blackheads - you must get a facial - no ifs ands or buts. Not only that but they can also give you advice on how to treat your acne. What you might be using may not be helping you. Try proactiv!

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