Saturday, July 24, 2010

What is the best way to treat acne, spots and blackheads?

I am of 15 years of age and like many of my peers I suffer from acne.Can anyone help me?What is the best way to treat acne, spots and blackheads?
Gosh, let me tell you, i was just like you 2 months ago, 15 w+acne. I tried everything on the market...everything in department stores and pharmacies. from estee lauder to clearasil. NOTHING WORKED. Then, PROACTIVE came on the market....I was skeptical...but then i saw great improvement in 4 days by washing my face and using the instructions that i was given. in 2 wks, my face was clear because i used it consistently. Go for proactive.What is the best way to treat acne, spots and blackheads?
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, cut down on sugars and fatty foods, wash your face at least six times a day.

It's a phase you're going through as part of your body changing during maturity, it will pass with time
Drink more water

stop eating sugary stuff

exvoliated skin

use tea tree oil skin cream
i know sunbed does at first .try it dont over do it
One Word: Proactive.
You should try getting some facial wash and toner and use at least twice a day. You should try Nutrogena (sp?) Their products are really good, and also suitable for sensitive skin.
Yes, go to a dermatologist!! They can prescibe drugs based on your specific stage of acne.
I suffer from it too, badly. I use Clearasil Ultra (clearer skin in 3 days stuff) - the Face Wash, Daily Scrub, and vanishing cream.

Neutrogena's face peel for scne marks is good, too. I use it twice a week.
dermo or go to mexico
Wash with soap then rinse properly

do not need expensive stuff
Pop them! No, if they're really bad you can go to the doctors and get steriod cream for them.
Stop eating sweets and fried foods!
What鈥檚 Acne?

Acne is a term that鈥檚 used to describe whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. (You may well recognize slang terms like spots, or zits). Most teenagers get the type of acne called acne vulgaris, which can show up on the face, neck, shoulders, back, and chest. Skin pores contain oil glands which naturally lubricate your skin and hair. But sometimes if a pore gets clogged beneath the skin with excess oil and bacteria, the dreaded acne is caused...

Whiteheads happen when a pore gets clogged, closes, and then bulges out. If a pore gets clogged but stays open, the top may darken and you've got a blackhead. A pimple happens when dead skin and bacteria work their way under live skin. This leads to a small infection that makes your skin look red.

What Causes Acne?

Although everyone is different, acne is usually caused by the build up of oil and dead skin in a pore. This build up of oil and dead skin is caused because of:

Natural hormones. These are particularly active in your teens.

Plugged skin. Lots of skin cells can close the oil glands or pores, creating blackheads or whiteheads, (as mentioned earlier).

Bacteria. Bacteria can easily infect oil glands and pores and grow very quickly.

Family background. If you have acne, your kids are more likely to have it too.

How To Reduce An Acne Problem

You shouldn鈥檛 squeeze, pick, scratch, or rub your skin as it makes the problem worse, and it might even cause scarring. Regularly shampoo your hair, and try to keep it off your face if possible - especially at night.

Keep a food diary to work out if you are one of the few people whose acne gets worse if they eat certain things.

Exercise regularly to get the old blood flowing, and make sure you get a wash as soon after as possible.

Avoid unnecessarily touching your face.

If possible, try to minimize your stress levels.

Avoid getting sunburned.

Change your wash cloth every day, as bacteria can grow on damp cloth.

Wash your face twice a day with a gentle soap like Dove or Simple.

Always rinse really well with lots of water.

Only wear makeup on special occasions, and then make sure you remove it completely.

Granular facial scrub can make acne worse by aggravating the skin.


Women who wear make-up should carry out a routine of cleansing, toning and moisturing each evening, as well as washing the face in the morning. Cleansing will remove old make-up and the grime and grease that have been accumulated during the day.

Remove mascara with a cotton bud dipped in eye-dipped in eye-cleansing lotion. To make the job easier keep your hair off your face.

Remove the eyeshadow by gently wiping it off with a pad of clean cotton wool moistened with eye-cleansing lotion.

Pour a little face cleansing cream into the palm of one hand and dab it generously over the nose, chin, forehead and cheeks---using two fingers of the other hand.

Massage the cream into the skin, starting under the throat, using a gentle upward motion.

Continue massaging the cream up to the forehead, using the fingertips.

Gently massage the cream from the eyes to the nose.

Massage cream back over the chin, which is particularly prone to blackheads. Use the index finger.

Remove the cream from the face with tissue pads in each hand. Start under the chin and work over the cheeks and on to the forehead


Toners remove all traces of dirt, make-up or cleanser that remain after cleansing.

Immediately after cleansing apply toner to the forehead and cheeks on a pad of corron wool

Apply the toner to the crevices around the nose.

Apply the toner to the crevices around the chin.


Without moisture, the skin will not remain smooth and supple. The face is exposed to the drying effect of the weather, so moisturisers -- which form a film over the skin -- contain and augment the natural moisture.

Using the tips ofthe fingers, dot moisturising cream lightly all over the face.

Press the fingers of both hands into the centre of the forehead and work the cream slowly outwards. Pat the cream gentlyaround the eyes.

Work the cream around the jawline, chin and mouth with the middle fingers of both hands.

Massage the cream over the throat with alternating hands, using upward strokes from collar-bone to chin.
A small blowlamp and a steady hand.
use Over the counter creams like benzoyl peroxide or clindamycin regularly and wash your face with a mild face wash or soap

use non greasy oil free make up

use water based makeups

but if you want immediate results

you can use steam on your face and that will open your pores and then pop the blackheads

and pimples can be poked with a needle {sterile needle if available or else just heat the needle in a flame or apply alcohol on the needle}

and then squeeze the pimple

the important thing is to apply ice after squeezing this will prevent it from becoming red and swollen

then apply benzoyl peroxide cream or clindamycin gel on the pimples

Source : experience
stop touching your face, stick to one face wash, i suggest either neutrogena 2 in one face mask or t-tree. dont pick or squeeze. and herbal tablets called echinacea really help too. Oh and eat well...make sure you get your 5 a day!
You can try ';Differin.'; I started using that June 1 of last year and my skin cleared in about 6 weeks (expected). There are side effects though: when you first start using it your skin may peel bad, just use oil-free moisturizer; another thing, your skin might hurt really bad, when i started using it i could hardly put water on my face and it would burn. But, all the while I think that ';differin'; has got to be one of the easiest methods of getting clear skin. You just apply before you go to bed, it's cream so you just rub it in...IT'S SO EASY! It also lasts a long time, my first tube lasted for 4 months i think or maybe longer. Ask your dermatologist or family doctor about DIFFERIN...oh and PROACTIV doesn't work for everyone (if you have terrible acne), my boyfriend does and he used proactiv it only worked for 2 weeks, then no more results. DIFFERIN has worked for everyone I know who has used it. If your acne is bad enough your doctor can prescribe you antibiotics or supplements to help you. Also you can try a lowly concentrated (or highly depending on severity of acne) benzyl peroxide'll probably have to get prescription for that. You also have to get prescription for DIFFERIN. I highly recommend that you look into it.
Don't pop them yourself it makes them worse.

Proactiv or Clean and Clear, if that doesnt clear it up go to a dermatologist, they will most likely prescribe something like Retin-A...good luck
I disagree with everyone else who has answered... Proactiv is deffinatley the solution. It gets rid of everything.. if you don't wanna spend $30 every month for a 30 day supply then goto sam's club and buy the brand called acne-free it's a 90 day supply for $30 and works just the same

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