Monday, July 26, 2010

What can I do about my blackheads and pores?

I have giant blackheads and pores. I would like to know what i could try to rid myself of my black heads, and how to possibly shrink my pores.What can I do about my blackheads and pores?
use hot water on your face to open the pores then get a good facial scrub to clean them out use moisturizer to replenish moisture. then use cold water to close pores back up againWhat can I do about my blackheads and pores?
1. Stop wearing makeup (if you're a girl)

2. DO NOT OVER-WASH-- over-washing (more than 2 or at most 3 times a day) causes your skin to up its production of sebacious oil. This is the stuff that clogs your pores, causing acne and blackheads.

3. Acutaine totally cures acne (for good, and it won't come back) (and this includes getting rid of blackheads and shrinking pores). It's really severe on your body though-- it totally tries out your skin and lips, and it has been linked to depression and suicide in teens.

4.MOST IMPORTANT: GET A FACIAL!!! I don't know what your financial limits are, but even if you're strapped for cash, you should consider this. Acne products, even over-the-counter items, tend to be really expensive, so you might as well try something that will work. A lot of women i know (especially fancy/rich women) swear by weekly or bi-monthly facials. I think that this is unnecessary and maybe even bad for your skin, since the aesthetician basically is picking your pimples. When your acne is reduced, you should just let it be and allow puperty and adolescence to run their course.

BUT, in your case, where you have lots of big blackheads, it's important to remove the blackheads so your pores can shrink back down. Plus, they're unsightly and grotesque, so you want to remove them.

Like many men, my dad has (had) HUGE blackheads on his back. He believed that if you removed them, they would come back worse, because you'd be stretching out the pores. It's the opposite: he finally allowed me to remove his blackheads, and after 2 or 3 tries, his back is almost totally clear. (gross, i know, but it helps).

So research who you go to. Get a few recommendations-- never go to anyone without a recommendation! And if you do this 1-3 times, you should at least reduce the size and number of your blackheads.

As for the pores: Pores can APPEAR larger when they're clogged (blackheads) but if your pores are clean and just visible, that probably means that you just have large pores. There's not much that can be done about that (it's just the way your skin is) but cleaning out your skin will make your pores much less visible.

EDIT: OH and DO NOT buy any products from your doctor. Unless he's selling a real drug, like antibiotics or accutaine, dermatologists usually try to sell you REGULAR CREAMS AND LOTIONS at hugely inflated prices. They get away with it because they put a label on that says ';Dr. So and So's Special Creams.'; In fact, i once bought a fantastic 'DCL ultra-light hydrater' (moisturizing lotion that's so light) from my dermatologist's office (with his name on the label) for $30; i later found THE VERY SAME LOTION (sans his name) online for $3.50 a bottle. Same with all those astringents that they would sell you: alcohol is alcohol; salycillic acid is salycillic acid. That's how they make their money, so don't be ripped off. If you DO go to your doctor, ask him which INGREDIENTS you should look for, and then buy those ingredients in a drug-store brand of cream/wash/astringent.

There are some ways for blackhead removal:

* Use a facial steamer to steam your face for a few minutes. This helps you to open up facial pores, and expose the blackheads. Pat your face dry. Then, use a blackhead remover to remove blackheads. Place the hole of the remover over a blackhead, and gently press down. This will apply the pressure from underneath the blackhead, and pop it up. Then use an alcohol pad to clean it up to avoid infection. Avoid harsh squeezing or scraping at the blackhead. Excessive squeezing can damage the skin surround the pore and can actually increase the size of the pore, leading to more blackheads in the future.

* You can also use a pore strip. The adhesive action of pore strips can actually rip blackheads out of your face. Since most strips are medicated, this will ensure you don鈥檛 get an infection from the rather rough extraction. Use a facial steamer to steam your face first, and pat it dry. Then, just apply the strip to the blemished area, wait the prescribed amount of time instructed by the user manual, and rip the strip off, taking the blackhead with it.
Keep your face clean. Wash with a cleanser specifically for oily skin at least once a day. Sometimes over washing can cause more oils to build.

I highly recommend using a system such as Origins or Arbonne. Both have product lines designed large pores and oily skin (oily skin will lead to blackheads and clogged pores). Both companies have cleansers, toners, moisturizers and clay masks. They are a little more expensive, but they last a long time and I've had incredible success with both companies. My skin was terrible and now it's nearly flawless. Origins is available online, but if you go to a mall, they will give you a free consultation and facial to determine the right products for you. Arbonne is available online or through consultants.

Whatever products you choose, make sure you don't let your skin become to dry. This will tell your face to make more oils, thereby clogging your pores even more.
What you could use is Clean %26amp; Clear or Neutrogena to help you shrink the black heads and they will disappear. You can find them at Walmart,Walgreen's,CVS pharmacy, but if you go to Walmart its a lot cheaper. Both helps out really really really well i use both and my face is clear as can be and soft. Hope I helped :)
Get thoose sticky things you put on your face and rip off.

I always wanted to try that, but i do not have blackheads.

You could find them at walmart in the skin care section.
biore pore strips and befine has a pore refining's expensive but amazing!
try using this little device called the ';wave'; it creams up ur face with soap and deep clens the blackheads and pores
go to your doctor, he'll give you special cream

That's what I did and now i have really smooth skin
blackheads are oxidated whiteheads, meaning exposed to air. use benzoyl peroxide to bleach them and dry them out. avoid triclosan, deodorant and antibacterial soaps as this will dry out your face. try clearasil, the acne products on the market have retinols.glycolic acids which are weak exfoliants, benzoyl peroxide even generic works at walmart, depends what strength you buy, think it comes in 10% or salcylic acid another drying agent. for severe or cystic acne, Rx strength products are worth it like Retin A or antibiotics from a doc, Retin A peels like a sunburn for the first 1-2 wks, just keep using it and have beautiful skin. Dove soap is best for skin cleansing and makeup removal. toners are temporary and can be drying, wash hands, if you clear up the other acne problems, most likely, the pores will appear to shrink up and have overall better skin tone. avoid liquid makeups, brewing ground for bacteria as soon as you open them. wash hands, avoid picking, being a teenager is part of acne, some are luckier than others. I wasn't, but stayed ahead of the game with oral antibiotics, retin, which i still use after 20 yrs. I remember when it was a liquid form. There is topical cleocin and tetracyline or vibramycin, just worth it in the long run. some bcp will clear female acne. good luck

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