Saturday, July 24, 2010

How do I remove blackheads off of my nose?

I'm 16 and i have a lot of blackheads on the end of my nose, I have tried clean and clear blackhead remover but thery have not gone.

Any ideas that will remove them or will they just go in time?

Thanks xHow do I remove blackheads off of my nose?
I am also 16, and I have the same problem, but after using Biore deep cleansing pore strips most of them have gone away after just one use.

I still have some, but I've only used it once and almost all were gone.

It might seem a little feminine, but it works and no one has to see you in it. I like to do it before I go to bed.

I hope I helped.鈥?/a>How do I remove blackheads off of my nose?
u'll need to squeeze them out. it'll be painful and will scar if you don't do it right. 1. you have to wash your face clean. 2. soak a couple of face towels in warm water (not scorching hot, not luke warm, but warm enough for your face). 3. cover your face with the towels for at least 5 minutes (your pores should have opened up a little after this), 6. with clean fingers and facial tissues, try squeezing the black heads out gently. 7. repeat with warm towels every now and then so the pores are open. 8. when you're done, remember to use a pore tightening toner and moisturize well after.

Note: if the blackheads are stubborn, it will take more than a few attempts. Don't squeeze too hard or your skin will break. If it breaks, it will bleed and lead to scars.

you can try those nose pore packs too. but remember to open pores first with the warm towels and close them with toner after.
I used to squeeze them... it worked okay, because it would be pretty red afterward but it would tone down. But then my nose started peeling, so don't do that. You could try that Neutrogena Wave thing, or the Clean %26amp; Clear blackhead eraser (the thing that vibrates - I'm assuming you were talking about the cream). Those are your best bets.
If you pop them all they may only just come back. Plus it would take very long to pop all of them. If you go to CVS they have black head eliminating scrub or they also have these pads for your nose that you leave on then rip off. It can be a little painful but it works. I have the same problem on my nose! Also try not to use a lot of makeup and such that will clog your pores. That will only make them worse!
They make nose peels that remove blackheads, you just wet your nose and leave the peel on for about 10 to1 minutes or until its hard and peel it off, the blackheads come of with it. You can find them at any grocery store in the beauty isle.
dont pop em

it may sound weird..but i put elmer's glue on it, i wait for it to dry, peal it off, and most of the blackheads come off! i do it like 3 times each time i do really helps!
I have this too. Just put a bit of facemask on your nose. Just leave it on for 5-10 mins and wash it off. If there's still a but left then repeat. Trust me this will work! :)
go to a professional skin doctor. you'll end up spending less money in the long run. Also the doctor is very knowledgable!!
Well i use papaya fruit aloe vera and bamboo facial scrub and that seems to work and my skin is very clear.
squeeze em, baby. squeeze em.
i had that too till i got a whicked bad sunburn on my nose and they all disappeared it awesome lol but it hurt... but try acnefree
Clay mask once a week.

Clean and Clear Triclosan wash. Oil Free. Walmart has it.

Listed under active ingred.
Wash them off or pop them or squeeze them or paint over it or put medicine on it
Try using Biore Blackhead strips or the blackhead eraser
soapy washcloth, make sure the soap is natural... twice a day until its gone... if you pop them they will spread...
well i pop them and it works for me.
uhhhh get acne free or get proactive or somthing like that and u dont want 2 pop them cause they can get worse
squeeze, like you would a pimple but your nose might be red so do it before you go to bed
squeeze em
OMG i have them on my nose too...tey'r really annoying. i also need help
Wax them
they can go in time or wash 'em off like dirt
pop them

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