Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why am I all of a sudden getting blackheads?

I am 25 yrs old %26amp; all of a sudden I am getting blackheads like crazy. Before I would get maybe 5 a year, now it's around 10 every other day. I have been cleaning my face like I normally do, so I don't know what could be causing this. Any ideas?Why am I all of a sudden getting blackheads?
One or all of the following factors causes acne:

* Genetics

* hormones

* Prescribed Medications

* Oil Based cosmetics

* Stress

* Physical irritation

* Humidity and Environmental pollutants

Genetics, inheriting a predisposition towards acne from one's parents, and hormones (including increased male sex hormones during puberty and drastic changes in hormone levels in pregnant or menstruating women) are thought to increase sebaceous gland production. Other causes of acne include prescribed medications because some drugs, such as lithium or steroid products, can cause a blockage of the pores and lead to blackheads, and some oil-based cosmetics.

Stress, which may contribute to a person's lack of personal hygiene or caring, and physical irritations such as tight clothing rubbing on the same spot are also factors that can influence the formation of blackheads. The weather, including humidity or environmental pollutants, which increase perspiration and can clog the pores with mini-particles also add to the factors that can cause acne.

Home remedy

Make a paste out of baking soda and water, gently massage on face (or wherever you get blackheads). Rinse. Follow with a light moisturizer. You won't even believe how soft and clean your skin will be. Can be used as whole body exfoliater.Why am I all of a sudden getting blackheads?
there could be many reasons but the ones that came suddenly into my head are

one: maybe ur using a new product, like make up and ur skin can't adjust to it. rule #1 don't buy make up just because it's cheap, most of the time the cheap ones r the most dangerous for ur skin. By this i don't mean go buy the 80 dollar foundation, just don't buy something like lip gloss for .50 cents or mascara for 2 dollars or face powder for 3 dollars

Second: If ur just moved into a new place or if the weather climate has dramatically changed in ur current location, ur skin might have a difficult time adapting to the new climatic conditions

My advice would be to use Clean and Clear products like face wash
Try using a gritty scrub twice a week, like St Ives Apricot Scrub, it's probably just a skin change and you're not getting enough of the junk out of your pores.
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