Monday, August 23, 2010

Does anyone know an effective way to quickly get rid of blackheads?

I have blackheads on my nose and chin and I have tried many different cleansers to get rid of them but nothing seems to work. Some sources say to just squeeze them, but I can not get the ones on the sides of my nose, and I'm also worried they will end up scaring. If anyone has had this problem and can tell me what to do I would be extremly grateful.Does anyone know an effective way to quickly get rid of blackheads?
never squeeze them, you can create more blackheads that way

instead go to this website.. it has a great explanation on how to get rid of them. I watched it myself and now im going to try it!!鈥?/a>Does anyone know an effective way to quickly get rid of blackheads?
i have a blackhead eraser but it dosent work like they say it does, i never have time to use proactiv every night an morning but it worked great when i use to. My mom makes up some kind of old resolution, u need baking soda, face cleanser, and a scrub brush. You mix a lil bit of baking soda in with the cleanser, rub it on your face really good and use the scrub to go over it. it works like a charm...and if u dont have time for that then hold a hand towel under really hot water then ring it out and hold it on your nose wait awhile and then squeeze the blackheads, and they come out so much easier, the heat from the hand towel opens them up.

Hope i helped :)
i have heard of many people using regular school glue (the white on in a bottle). my cousin used to get really bad blackheads but now she has like really nice skin because she tried the glue thing. you just put a layer and when it dries you just peel it off and it takes blackheads off. then all you have to do is wash the blackheads to clean all those ugly juices so it wont come back.

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