Monday, August 23, 2010

How to get rid of blackheads on nose?

I don't have them anywhere else and they're not really like blackheads, they just look dark like my pores are clogged. I have large pores and I do use a Neutragena deep cleansing face wash but it doesn't do anything for my nose. What can I do? I've always had them but it really bothers me.How to get rid of blackheads on nose?
To help get rid of blackheads use biore pore strips and when you can't afford them or they run out use a loofa sponge (you can make small facial ones buy cutting a large loofa sponge in half vertically and horizontally till you end up with four pieces. Remember when the sponges are no longer rough they are useless for rubbing off blackheads.

The best brand to get rid of acne is an expensive brand as far as I know. There are natural alternatives however. Avoid letting your face touching a certain fabric. Keep your diet balanced. There are natural creams which you can find in stores or markets depending on where you live. I can tell you more specifically what type of creams but it would cost you as good advice is valuable. There is also a kind of juice that helps.How to get rid of blackheads on nose?

i think your question was meant for me to answer

i just took off all my black heads and whiteheads

the best thing that works for me is

is the BIORE face strips. they literally rip them out. its easy

just wet the desired area, put teh strip on, and let it dry. when it gets hard , almmost like paper mache, rip it off quickly. all the blackandwhite heads will come out. heres the link. its 10 dollars at walmart too.

it dosent hurt either =]鈥?/a>
i have a ton of blackheads and i have huge pores too :/

i use queen helenes mint julep masque, you can buy it at rite aid.

it gets rid of blackheads and help shrink pores as well as dries up pimples. :)
squeeze your nose and the stuff will come out of your pores and then use a face wash so that your pores are protected and clean
I think a face saunder might help.
use one of those strips for black heads. They do work.
Rub garlic on it

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