Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do I get rid of nose blackheads?

I have a lot of blackheads on my nose that just won't come out. If I pinch them with my nails and squeeze really hard some come out a little, but it really hurts. How can I get rid of them? Preferably without buying some expensive cosmetic solution.How do I get rid of nose blackheads?
I have the same problem, you can have a hot shower, or steam your face over a bowl of hot water, exfliate, then use a pore strip. After you remove the pore strip splash your face with cold water to close your pores to stop dirt getting in. do this twice a week for about a month xxxHow do I get rid of nose blackheads?
Blackheads sucks so it is best that you go to a beauty salon and have a facial.. They will remove them for you and then give you advice on what to do to prevent them in future. Im sure there are also stuff you can buy to use at home to remove them but whether it is effective I dont know hence my advice to go and see beautician. Goodluck!
I use tea tree and witch hazel nose strips every once in a while. You dampen your nose and stick it on. It takes about 15 minutes to dry and it's sort of like having a thin cast on your nose. Then when you peel it off, you can really feel the difference and you nose feels really refreshed and clean. It really gets into your pores which is good ;)
Well I use this stuff that is in a small white and blue tube. It is only expensive if you get the name brands. Look for brands like Equate. REMEMBER: it is the SAME thing with a different label and price.

good luck ! :D I hate blackheads!

what i do is that a rough t shirt and take that and use it to squeeze my nose and it works wonders

if you use a black shirt you can see all the dead skin that comes with it too..

gross but it works!
Clean and clear black head scrub.

It works great! And you can buy it at Walgreens or CVS for about $4.
Visit a dermatologist. Sorry, it will be more expensive than you want, but they will give you the results you want to see.
You can buy creams, the sun also does wonders
get the small bandage like things you stick on your nose. they rip everything out, it doesnt really hurt and you can see all the stuff that came out of your pores.
use beore strips, get a tool to extract black heads, go to a dermatoligist, squeeze them out, or use black head astringant
you should get boire strips and wash your face every day
  • makeup 2009
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