Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What is a good way to avoid blackheads besides the products?

i have so much blackheads, that i don't want no more.What is a good way to avoid blackheads besides the products?
Wash your face several times a day with a mild soap....especially if you have oily skin. Witch Hazel is an excellent natural toner, great for blackheads and whiteheads!

Use a mild scrub or exfoliant to remove any dead cells and expose the blackhead.

Pat your face dry.

Place a slightly warm compress on your face for approximately 10-15 minutes in order to soften the blackhead, making it easier to remove.

Pat your face dry again.

Place a piece of tissue on the tip of each finger to avoid slipping, which could tear the skin and cause further damage.

Gently apply even pressure to both sides of the blackhead by pushing down, then up around the blemish. You’re trying to apply the pressure from *underneath* the blackhead.

Only attempt this once or twice. If it does not “pop”, you may bruise the skin, make the blackhead worse, and could cause scarring.What is a good way to avoid blackheads besides the products?
You don`t wash often enough or don`t use the right soap try dial body wash
I started using a toner and it works really well getting rid of blackheads. Just make sure you wash your face everyday and drink a lot of water.
just eat healthy and drink enough water daily and it should clear up
As it was explained to me by my dermatologist,stress makes the face break out.

Bad stress when you aren't looking forward to something like a test etc

Good stress when you are really excited about something. . like a date,a party etc.

She said stress causes the adrenalin gland to work overtime and that this is what causes breakouts.

She also told me I was adding to the problem with the soaps and lotions and oils I was putting on my face.

First off she gave me Tetracycline to kill the bacteria in my skin pores and she gave me some Benzole Peroxide creams to use night and day but I couldn't affort to keep this up and eventually quit using them.

Secondly she told me to use Ivory Soap or Basis Soap. . no Dove/Caress which was adding more oil to my skin.

She told me to not use make up with an oil base.

Today I try to stay even keel and don't let things stress me so badly,I use the soaps that were recommended and I use waterbase makeup.

I put up with acne etc until I found this Dr when I was 35yrs old. I am now 54 and my face rarely breaks out anymore. . . THANK GOD. Wish I had found this lady sooner.
the best thing is to keep your hair and hands away from your face it works honestly and the best face product is clean and clear i have used it for years i used to suffer terrible and theres 1 more thing when you have washed your face you should splash your face with cold water to close your pores :D goodluck i hope i helped :) x

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