Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the easiest way to get rid of blackheads without the use os store products?

I really need to get ride of my blackheads. any tips ? but something without the use of store bought products.What is the easiest way to get rid of blackheads without the use os store products?
hold your face over steaming water to loosen up those pores and then exfoliate them with a rough wet washcloth. It works miracles for blackheads. Squeezing them works for the big ones but use this regimen often to keep them form coming back. Keep you hands off your face too. Keep it clean.What is the easiest way to get rid of blackheads without the use os store products?
If you squeeze them really hard between your finger nails, a yellow, hard puss like stuff will come out, and they will be gone, but also you can put an egg on it, and it with brind it to a better position to pop it, eggs pull out things, like normal zits,and if you get a sliver, it will pull it out!
I would have to say either using masking tape in lieu of a pore strip, or using a baking soda toothpaste to try and rub it out. If it is really stubborn then you can try to squeeze it out or even dig it out if is bothering you that much, but the healthiest thing to do for your skin is just to let it pass, but I'm guessing that is not what you are looking for.
  • makeup 2009
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