Monday, August 23, 2010

How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Nose ?

I have a few blackheads on my nose. How can I get rid of them? Any natural alternatives?How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Nose ?
It should be noted that removing blackheads on the nose isn't any different from removing blackheads on other parts of your face (Tips on how to get rid of blackheads). As such, if you already know how to remove them on your cheek or somewhere else, then you shouldn't have any problems. If you don't, then here are some tips to help you get those ugly marks on your nose out.

Your bets best would be to assess your option by reading the advice from this site I have found: http://www.howtogetridofwhiteheadsnow.co鈥?/a> , the blog section is particularly good !

1. See a dermatologist. Before everything, you should try to have your nose blackheads removed by a professional. Sure, it may cost a little bit more than self-treatment at home but you can be assured that you (and your skin) will be in the best possible hands. At the very least, dermatologists will be able to tell you what products to use that won't destroy your skin since everyone has different skin types.

2. Soften the blackheads. You can do this through several ways. One is to take a warm shower so the steam will do the softening. You can also heat water in a pan until it boils, and then stand over the pan to allow the steam to cover your face. Once the blackheads are sufficiently softened, you can gently remove them using pore strips or any blackhead remover. You can also moisturize your face using warm washcloth in the evenings. Whatever you do, don't put a boiling hot washcloth over your face.

3. Use blackhead removers or extractors. Whether you only need to remove the occasional nose blackhead or have it as a daily regimen, blackhead extractors such as Revlon Stainless Steel blackhead remover will make removing those blackhead on your nose easier. Just apply the pad on your nose with enough pressure and then peel. The blackheads should come out quite easily. Be warned though that care is required for the application or else you will tear your skin, causing more damage.

4. Use astringents and acne medications. Astringents applied using cotton balls as well as acne medications such as benzoyl peroxide should help dry out the blackheads enough, so they will be removed with regular facial cleansing. Don't go for anything less than a 2.5% for benzoyl peroxide.How to Get Rid of Blackheads on Your Nose ?
Follow these three steps, and you will be on your way to a spot free nose.

Tip #1 Start with Steam

Blackheads form because dead skin cells and the body's natural oil, known as sebum, gets trapped and clogs the pores. So, the best way to prevent and remove those blackheads is by opening those pores. Exposing the skin to warm moisture will not only help open your pores, but it will also improve the skin's blood circulation; this will help loosen and remove debris and toxins built up in the skin. Steaming is also very effective method for deep cleaning your pores.

Tip #2 Gently Exfoliate and Cleanse

Exfoliation will further remove any dead skin cells. Be careful when you choose your exfoliator, however, since you don't want anything too harsh or rough that can irritate your skin. Baking soda is a great natural exfoliant that is very gentle, and very cheap! When you exfoliate, do so in a gentle, circular motion.

Once you exfoliate, you should cleanse your face with a mild cleanser. A low potency benzoyl peroxide cleanser is excellent, as benzoyl peroxide is one of the best treatments for blackhead removal and generally combatting acne.

Tip #3 Strip it Away...

With nose strips, that is! There are a variety of nose strip brands that you can buy at your local drugstore. Nose strips are typically applied to damp skin, sticky side down. Once placed on the nose, the top of the strips are dampened as well. Once the strip hardens, remove the strips, and you should see the blackheads stuck to the adhesive. Now sometimes nose strips get a bad rap for leaving the pores open and vulnerable to bacteria, but you can prevent this by closing your pores after your cleansing treatment. All you have to do is gently blot your face with a cold washcloth, and use a toner as your final step.

Well there you have it, three steps that will help to get rid of those stubborn blackheads. Follow these steps as needed, usually once or twice a week. Make sure that you don't over exfoliate, or use to much benzoyl peroxide, as it could be too strong for the skin. With these nose blackhead removal tips, you will be on your way to a more radiant complexion!
First of all,you could just use a strip that you apply on the affected area and you strip those blackheads off.You could also opt for a gentle cleanser such as Neutrogena,Dove or Clean %26amp; Clear to gently cleanse your face to prevent those blackheads to multiply.However,you could also opt for these homemade remedies that works best at getting rid of blackheads.Believe me,it work wonders on my skin,really:-)

Paste of Yogurt and banana-Mix one or two bananas in almost 200ml yogurt and mash it until it begins to look like a paste.After washing face apply this paste before sleeping, after one or two weeks not only you but other will also feel a difference in your skin.This paste has a magical effect not only in removing blackheads but also gives a glowing touch to your skin.

Paste of turmeric and rose petals-This paste is also very useful in treating blackheads however it is somewhat difficult to prepare that paste and one needs fresh rose petals and pure turmeric to prepare this paste. However it proves very useful in treating blackheads, acne and pimples.

Paste of Ayurveda and fenugreek鈥檚 leaves-Another paste that proves very helpful in this connection is the paste of Ayurveda and fenugreek鈥檚 leaves if this paste is applied about 10 to 15 minutes on blackheads and wrinkles as well, it can be helpful to prevent both blackhead and wrinkles.

Rose water and lemon juice-Take some rose water and mix it equal amount of lemon juice apply this mixture on face for almost half an hour then wash your face and continue this treatment for almost 15 days and I promise you your skin will be as smooth as baby鈥檚 bottom.

Fresh mint juice-A proven remedy for blackheads, eczema and scabies is to rub fresh mint juice over it and it can be very helpful to get rid of these curses.

Well,these are those 5 remedies that I've tried before and it does improve my skin in two weeks.I know there's lots of them,so just pick any steps that suits you okay.Good luck trying these at home at great skincare wishes.:-)
usually u can use boire black head remover which u get in pharmacy stores!! u can even use a laser treatement for paermanent black head removal ,, was this helpful??
You could try washing your face with hot water.. (not too hot) - or steam it to open up the pores. Then use a cleanser or perferablly.. an exfoliator to wash out the black heads then pat dry with a towel.

goodluck :)
good question. i don't get rid of them either...

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