Friday, August 20, 2010

How can i get rid of acne scars, acne, and blackheads?

i have acne scars on my face and they are fading slowly. Also, i have a few breakouts and a lot of blackheads.

Help?How can i get rid of acne scars, acne, and blackheads?
um for blackheads use clearasil ultra pads they really work you can even watch it go away. well it works for me, i dont know about you.How can i get rid of acne scars, acne, and blackheads?
Scars - It depends where you live but I bought this stuff called Bio-Oil. It is for scars but DOES make your skin greasy.

Acne - If nothing over the counter works go to the doctors. I did and now I have hardly any spots :)

Blackheads - Clensing products work best. But my friend sticks her head over the kettle and steams them out xD

Hope this was useful!!!!
i had bad acne once but then i used clean and clear and netragina they worked
i have the same prob but no product works for me! my skin is evil

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