Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the latest way to get rid of blackheads right on your nose?

i tried washing my face, but it doesn't work.

and also i tried to pop them, but they seem to come back the next day.

any advice on what i should do to get rid of them.????What is the latest way to get rid of blackheads right on your nose?
Try Biore Strips, they actually work. I've tried them before and they are reallllllly good. If you aren't satisfied with it.. then try something else, but I think its worth a shot.What is the latest way to get rid of blackheads right on your nose?
If you don't have the Biore Strips you can put a layer of elmer's glue over your nose

not real thick or not real thin just a nice layer

let it THOROUGHLY dry then peel it off works pretty well

First though try to open your pours over a bowl of steaming water with a towel over your head then put the glue on right away

The best acne remedy in my opinion and very affordable is Pro-Activ that stuff does what it says it will do

Good Luck
Try this formula:

1 spray bottle -- add 2/3s of it with water and 1/3 of it with apple cider vinegar. Shake it all up and squirt it on your nose and wherever you need it. Trust me it really works! It has for so fat 3 ppl i know that have tried it.

Or you can try St. Ives Aprocot Scrub -- that works too!

Good luck! %26lt;%26lt;33
I agree with the others - try Bjore ULTRA pore strips. They won't get rid of all your blackheads but they do help get rid of some if used properly. I would also recommend using salicylic acid which helps get read of dead skin cells.

Good luck!
Use an exfoliating scrub on your face to loosen them first.

Use the strips already mentioned while the skin is still soft and the pores are open- it will be heaps more effective. Make sure you don't scar your skin though =(
biore pore strips for sure!

they are amazing and you can use them on the rest of your face as well
You should get those blackhead removal strips that you put on your nose. You wait a few minutes, then take it off. Hopefully, this helps!

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