Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do you get rid of blemishes and blackheads?

My face has cleared up so much but now im getting little red spots and i have black heads on my nose and chin so how do i get rid of them?How do you get rid of blemishes and blackheads?
I suffer from blackheadson my nose too, im 17 and ive had them for about 2 years now.

Blackheads are caused by excess oils that have accumulated in the sebaceous gland's duct. they are typically formed by an build up of oil and makeup.

I thought at first the best way to get rid of them would be to squeeze them, but there are way to many on your nose and it's a waste of time because they will just return again and its not good for your pores to keep squeezing them.

I would suggest using oil free products, if you use foundation and mousturiser choose and oil free version of both. There are benefits to using oil free foundation instead because it doesnt become shiny and wear off as much troughout the day.

A cleansing product that is good for getting rid of blackheads on the nose is ';clean %26amp; clear, blackhead clearing cleanser'; it works for me great. You can also buy nose strips that rip out the blackheads, which is good but only once every month or less and always mousturise thouroughly afterwards otherwise the skin on your nose will become peely and flakey.

i hope this helped.How do you get rid of blemishes and blackheads?
antibacterial soap
If you're just looking to get rid of the blackheads, try Neutrogena's Blackhead Eliminating 2-in-1 Foaming Pads. They come in a little orange and white plastic pouch at any drug store. I used to have a ton of blackheads on my nose and I started using this, after the first or second use they were all gone, no lie. You have to keep using them somewhat regularly, every 2 or 4 days, but it's worth it.
I use a peel off sugar mask to get those clogged pores un-clogged. But then I take the big nasty ones out--Ick. A little red mark from pinching them is better than a big old black thing on my face!
A dab of toothpaste rubbed in and kept on over night works great!
Pop them!

But...an alternative is Proactive or Seabreeze lotions.

Or, you can try a blackhead strip.

Best answer please!
use proactive (use the mask for blackheads)
moisturise.Or the body shop do a great black head and blemish mask. You peel it off.
Use an ointment.
mash em.... mash em real hard. Eat more chocolate, drink more sodas...

Then, to top it all off, get a greasy pepperoni pizza from Dominos. Pick up the whole pie and rub it vigorously all over your face.

That'll get rid of em.... Let me know how that goes.
I use only pure ivory soap. no oils, lotions, or other slimy chemical stuff.
Use a facial wash. Preferrably one that contains ';micro-beads'; this will clean out your pores and remove any blackheads. You have the choice of washing once or twice daily.

Blemishes.. Pigmentation :) If you mousterise and look after your skin - your skins renews itself. This is when the layer on top will break away and remove some of your blemishes.

some people use foundation/concealer to hide there blemishes - i dont recommend it because it blocks your pores.

wash your face with benzoil peroxide face wash and salicylic acid scrub also mosiurizer and spot treatment. the best is piedra poma nothing expensive

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