Monday, August 23, 2010

If you used steam for getting rid of your blackheads?

Okey, so i did use it and it made my face really red and the pimples, plemishes were crazy....

does this method really work?

is their any other natural ingredients that work to get rid of acne, pimples, black heads?If you used steam for getting rid of your blackheads?
After using the steam to open up your pores and clean them out did you close them back up with cold water? Because if you didn't that leaves your pores wide open to collect a lot more dust and dirt then before?If you used steam for getting rid of your blackheads?
You could just wash your face with warm water, it has the same effect.
A ';little'; steam goes a long way when it comes to pimples. Too much--which you probably used--only serves to irritate the skin and open up the pores so much that things start to get worse. Let me suggest a sulfer and zinc solution to stop the pimples in their tracks, then follow up with a salicylic acid regimen every morning and night. In a few weeks your face should be blemish free--but no more steam!

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