Friday, August 20, 2010

Get rid of blackheads on the face and back?

I have horrible blackheads all over my face and back. I wash everyday in the shower b4 bed with benzol (sp) peroxide and nothing has happened. I have tried those nose strips but they only remove the hair on the nose. please help me! I have been trying different things for years an nothing has worked!Get rid of blackheads on the face and back?

Unless you want more of the same, or really know how to properly sanitize your fingers. Otherwise, the bacteria from under your nail will just get in your pores and cause another outbreak.

If you want more help in getting rid of your blackheads then you have to use a blackhead extractor. It is a professional tool that dermatologists use in order to get them out..quickly!

I got mine from but you can pretty much get them anywhere.

Wishing you luck!Get rid of blackheads on the face and back?
squeezing the area helps out and then clean them off using a napkin

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