Friday, August 20, 2010

How do I get rid of pimples and blackheads in my ears?

Lol I know ';gross'; right. Well I mainly get pimples. But for the other people that get nasty blackheads in their ears, and don't even think of trying to get them out. Answer my question please. Thank you (:How do I get rid of pimples and blackheads in my ears?
i would suggest take a clenser and soak ( not dripping but enough to feel the wetness) a cottonball with it. swab you ear everyday but do not go into the canal b/c that will cause an ear infection. also when doing this keep your hair away from our ear until it is dry for if your hair keepsin the moisture it will again get infectedHow do I get rid of pimples and blackheads in my ears?
thanx kimberly that worrked and im glad that we ahve someone online that knows what there doing. webmd didnt have an answer for this..

thanx Report Abuse

Pimples, if they make a haed and you can get to it, squeeze it and have some cooton swabs (Q-Tips) on hand to clear away the nasty stuff.

For the deep ones that don't make a head, try a wash cloth, as hot as you can take it and gently massage the area, or use tweezers/a pin to make it pop. It's gross but it relieves the pressure. Afterwards put on some neosporin, if you're not alergic to it.

For black heads, first put on some neosporin and let it soak in, then try tweezers or something.
What you could do..for something around-the-house....use hydrogen peroxide and use a q-tip or a cotton ball and apply the peroxide in your ears.. BE CAREFUL OF YOUR HAIR the peroxide will turn your hair orange. Put your hair up if its long and then apply the peroxide. If you get it in your ear. DONT PANIC its will feel weird but it will NOT harm your ear. I use hydrogen Peroxide to clean inside my ears when i have earwax build-up which happens to me alot.

Of course, the pimples and black heads wont disappear over night so use the peroxide once a day...after a while you can apply it twice a day until the acne is gone.

Believe me i have used peroxide for years instead of wasting my money on Proactive and all that not saying it doesnt work, its just cheaper to use peroxide.

Im a teenager so i have acne too lol...

Hope i helped you!

Good Luck and Have a Great Weekend!




I dont recommend popping any of the pimple because the pus could seep into your ear canal and cause an infection. Im not 100% sure about that but i wouldnt risk it.
Well, you just have to wait them out.,

They suck, and hurt, but what can you really do.

You can ry to pop them, but that seems to be more painful.

I have even seen people use a straight pen and poke the pimple but that isnt safe, and it still hurts anyways.

So anyhow good luck.

Thanks for the 10 points
When you get out of the shower, bath, pool, make sure you dry your ears out completely. I used to get whiteheads in my ears and then once I started drying my ears out after I showered they stopped. :)
You just need to clean them more often I think. I clean mine with Q-tips every other day and then dry them with a dry Q-tip. That might not be your problem but I've never heard of anyone getting pimples in their ears when they actually cleaned them well.
use astringent to clean ears thouroughly/ could upset flora of the ear, so use a natural astringent. clean with q-tip.
squeeze them with fingernails, they also make a special thing for removing them...
Try to wash the inside of your ears. I hate ear pimples they hurt so much.
im not sure. i woult try gettng a tissue or q-tip and put like facewash and water on there and then just rub it in your ear everyday!!
u wil hav to get somebody else to squeeze them out maybe with tweezers?

and then dab on some tea tree oil coz its great for when uve got a rely bad spot!
i have tht same problem but its not bad. Just make sure to wash inside your ears everyday.
BLackhead removers work great all you have to do is push!

go to a dermatologist for the pimples tho
use a blackhead remover or squeeze them out with your nails. painful.
Just be sure to use face wash in on your ears... it'll get rid of all of the oil and junk that builds up in there.
someone with long nails to force it out
wear a ninja mask
try doing what you do for your face
wash ur ears i guess....

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