Monday, August 23, 2010

What is a good product to use get rid of blackheads?

so basically my whole face is clear and pimple free but then on my noce i have a few little blackheads that i really wanna get rid of!!! i dont wanna go to the doctor cuz thatd be a waste of my time. so wats a good product to use!!!What is a good product to use get rid of blackheads?
Biore Blackhead Astringent . apply with a cotton ball after you've washed your face . make sure to scrub your nose %26amp; the sides of your nose extra well, by the way . it may be because of too much oil on your face, or maybe your face is just prone to it . either way, try stuff that say on the bottle that they'll help with blackheads . i really do reccomend the product i've listed, though .

even whenyour face clears up, continue to use it to KEEP the blackheads away . the product will probably take a couple days to start working so don't expect immediate results .What is a good product to use get rid of blackheads?
i use avon's blackhead products. they have a special line just for blackheads so you know that they work really good.

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