Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best home remedy to get rid of blackheads within a few days?

i have blackheads on my nose and cheeks and would love to get rid of them before prom this weekend.. anyone have any good tricks?

i've started using lemon juice, but are there any better ways?What is the best home remedy to get rid of blackheads within a few days?
White resin glue. Yup plain old liquid white glue. Rub it on like any make-up mask product when it's clear it's dry, peel it off. All that nasty disgusting stuff on it came out of your face. Do it every day till prom, first day, when you see the stuff it pulls out of you, you will believe in this method. Be sure to put vaseline or oil on your eyebrows or you'll lose 'em and that will hurt.

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