Friday, August 20, 2010

What can I put on my face to kill blackheads?

I have a few black heads on my nose and occasinaly I find one on my chin. What normal things around the house can I put on my face to clear it of any blackheads?What can I put on my face to kill blackheads?
I don't know of anything that works that's normally around the house, but use a blackhead remover (you can purchase one at any drug store).

Aveeno or Neutragena skin care products work great, too.

I started using the Clarisonic skin cleansing tool AND IT WORKS. For the first time in my life...and i'm not a teen...I do not get blackheads or breakouts. I use my normal skin cleanser with it. Amazing Product.What can I put on my face to kill blackheads?
If regular face products take too long to work what I would do is drink nothing but water, put just a dab of toothpaste on the spot it should clear right up. Because drinking drinks other than water like soda or eating greasey food is adding fats and causing your skin to dry also break out. Report Abuse

you can put a warm moistened towel on your face and leave it there for several minutes to open the pores and wash your face with a mild soap. then get some witch hazel, it can be found by the alcohol in the medicine section of your local walmart, and put it on a cotton ball and gently rub your face especially the areas that have the blackheads. while your pores are open it is easier to remove the dirt in your pores which cause the black pores. Hope this helps. by the way witch hazel is like two dollars for a large bottle. look at the ingredients on the expensive face astringents and see if they don't have witch hazel in them. the majority do and people waste so much money on them. good luck.
Nothing around the house is truly made or tested for your face.

BUT you can use a hot compress - (heat a wash cloth up (wet) and apply repeat) then push your nose gently upward.

It should remove the blackheads.

Use an acne wash, toner and spot treat acne cream twice a day without fail. Why? That kills acne causing (Blackheads) and acne. :)
you have to pop them, or you could try using a scrub (apricot scrub for example). Biore strips work alright too for the nose area, but I suggest just popping them all and then make sure you are washing your face more often and using a scrub cleaner on a regular basis.
you can put on proactive that's one of the best face products I have ever used. It's even better than clearasel ulltra and clean and clear.
I don't know what things around the house you can use...but if you feel confident enough, go buy Boire. It works.
steam your face %26amp; use a scrub to take them out.....preferly after a bath.
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