Friday, August 20, 2010

How do i get rid of my pimples and blackheads?

i live in Western Australia, Perth. and i would like my skin to be nice and smooth, without putting loads of makeup or skin products. im only 12 years old, and im not into wearing makeup or anything like that. and im not sure what kind of skin care products i should use.

thanks much for your time.How do i get rid of my pimples and blackheads?
dont use the product things use soap wash ur face everyday with SOAP like wen u wake up in the morning wash ur face really good with soap it really does make a difference hope this helps :)How do i get rid of my pimples and blackheads?
wash your face everyday...and scrub it lol

i use to have alot of pimples, when i used products it seemed to get worse on my face so i just gave it time...its gonna go away don't worry about it. :)
hey fellow australian

have a read of this

I have always used witch hazel. It is a cheap, age old astringent that clears your pores if applied regularly with a cotton wool. I am 44 and have had this problem all my life. Shop bought cleansers can sometimes irritate the problem more as it dries out the skin and so it produces more oil hence more problems. As you are so young you only need a very light moisturizer and I would recommend an spf 45 face cream (avoid the eyes and use non greasy) to protect your skin from the sun. Make sure you are not allergic to these products first.
for blackheads ive tried the nosestrips which do help..but careful not to leave them on for too long, can get your skin dry/irritated

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