Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the best thing to use for blackheads?

I need something cheep that will get my blackheads off my nose! You got any sugestions?What is the best thing to use for blackheads?
the biore pore strips work really goodWhat is the best thing to use for blackheads?
Warm Water


and sometimes eggs
I've had them for years, and tried all of the strips. The only thing that helps me is putting a hot washcloth on my face and then squeezing them out! Blech! :oP Disgusting and painful but it gets them out. I'd do it before bed, so your face has time to get rid of the red, puffy look before morning.
2 fingers and pressure
This is common %26amp; easy. I had acne 35 yrs. Gentle soap %26amp; good rinse. Don't sqez or use duct tape or sand-paper or vacuum cleaner. Stay clean! Not familiar w/ sticky strips - better than squeezing zits! B patient, check directions treatment done correctly. May be use too much stuff what-ever won't help. Try 2 use sparingly. Just 4 laughs why Not c Dr 4 advise. Good luck!
if you need immediate results try biore pore strips. To prevent blackheads, use Neutrogena pore clear cream cleanser twice daily
I never have any luck with the strips, but they may work for you. the best thing I have used is Biore cooling pore cleanser. Its like 6.50. I see results right after use. Plus it makes your face feel cool and fresh.
those strips.. those suckers pull them out.. and ease up on the gressy foods!
The apricot scrub would probably work. The strips will only work to clean the pores before you get the blackheads, once the blackheads are there the only way to get rid of them are to squeeze them out.

What I would suggest is tonight before bed, squeeze them out and use the apricot scrub afterward. Be sure to use the scrub every night before bed to prevent them from coming back. Using the strips too after you have squeezed these first ones out will help prevent them too.

Good luck. I hope this helps.
Biore pore strips. They are like $14.00 for seven nose strips and seven face strips, but they work great!

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