Friday, August 20, 2010

What is the BEST product for getting rid of blackheads/clogged pores?

What is the best product for getting rid of blackheads and clogged pores that you can get at drugstores, walmart, target, kmart... etc...????

How well did it work? How fast did it work? How much did it cost?

Please only state a product if you have used it and it worked for you.What is the BEST product for getting rid of blackheads/clogged pores?
I wash my face with a cloth and aveeno positively radiant...the one that says evens skin tone on it

-----instaed of washing your face while taking a shower, wait till you get out the shower to do so with the cloth and aveeno

----Wash your face once in the morning and once at night

----buy queen anne cocao butter at any beauty supply store and purchase vitamin e capsules from a food store(or rite aid)

Cut open the capsules and squeeze them in the cocao butter and use as a daily moisturizer

*your skin will never look better----my flawless face is proof---What is the BEST product for getting rid of blackheads/clogged pores?
I use Nutegena and it's great!!
You might want to consider a comedone remover. It is a metal tool that comes with specific instructions on how to extract the contents of a blackhead or pimple safely. You can see this on the internet on and how it is used (about $15.00).
Please see your DR.
Proactive works wonders!! It cleared up my skin really fast and made it younger looking! Talk to your doctor. It's not too expensive.

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