Monday, August 23, 2010

How to get rid of blackheads on the tip of your nose and the crease of your chin!?

I need something that is pretty painless and inexpensive!How to get rid of blackheads on the tip of your nose and the crease of your chin!?
arrhg same problem as me but i fixed it with using clean and clear black head clearing clenser it wokred right away and keeps my skin really nice and free hope it helps for you =]How to get rid of blackheads on the tip of your nose and the crease of your chin!?
the best way is to exfoliate it if you take a rag and run it under hotttt water then keep the rag where the black head is eventually it will open the pore and you can squeeze it out alot easier. if that still dosnt work try black head scrub not just face wash make sure its a scrub.
Nose pore strips:鈥?/a>

There are ones that you could use on other areas of the face, boots have these, so do superdrugs.
hi. there's some good info and solutions at the site below, including inexpensive and 'natural' treatments. there are some very good, guaranteed products available, as well, depending on your budget.

Some common over the counter topical medications for mild acne are:

Benzoyl Peroxide - helps reduce bacteria, and reduces oil production, but may dry out your skin if used alone.

Resorcinol, Salicylic acid, and Sulfur and all help break down whiteheads and blackheads. Salicylic acid also helps unclog pores, because it cuts down shedding of the cells lining the hair follicles.

Over the counter (OTC) topical medicines are fairly effective in treating acne if they're used regularly. But, it can take up to 8 weeks before you see noticeable improvement, and they can increase your skin sensitivity to the sun, so use a sunscreen when using them.

There are a lot of things that create or worsen acne: hormones, diet, environment, genes, stress, oily or heavy makeup, abrasive cleaners, even over-use of vitamins, medicines, and steroids. There are some vitamins that help acne if ou don't over-use them, including Vitamin A.

In my research, I've found a couple of new acne treatment systems that work very well, one less expensive than the other. They both have guaranteed results or your money back, and have great feedback and testimonials from users. You can check them out at the info site below. One is ';Acne Free in 3 Days';, and the other is a revolutionary new acne treatment system that treats your acne from the inside out, has no side effects, and is dermatologist recommended with guaranteed results. It goes to the source of the acne, and not only removes your current breakout, but helps prevent future breakouts that you don't even know you have yet! This system called, ';Acnezine';, is a natural acne treatment system that heals blemishes including spots, whiteheads pimples, redness, pus, and blackheads. It works for adults %26amp; teenagers by providing antioxidants that help eliminate the 'free radicals' that can cause acne. This system is safe and effective, and works to cleanse the entire body. With this system, you don't have to continue to use topical medicine indefinitely to continually fight the acne, as it will help keep new blemishes from forming.

Its ingredients include organic leaf and other extracts including aloe vera, birch, green tea, orange, neroli fruit, lemon peel oil, witch hazel, honey, tea tree leaf oil, willow, sage, sugar cane, and bilberry. It also includes a high percentage of daily required vitamins including Vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and E.

I would check both of these out, as well as the information and other natural solutions available, and let me know your results. I hope this helps.
Clean%26amp;Clear has a blackhead eraser.

They also have blackhead strips. You apply them, then rip it off. It's not as painful as it sounds. Go check and see at Walmart :)

Honey is really good for your skin. If you apply warm honey on the affected area and wash it after 10 minutes, you will benefit a lot. Honey will act as a natural peel to your blackhead affected skin. Besides, removing blackheads, it will also improve your skin.

Good luck!

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