Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do i get rid of my blackheads and clogged pores on my chin?

i use proactiv and ive seen an improvment, but not 100%. i still get little white bumps on my chin that are oh so fun to squeeze. i still have blackheads on my nose but i have freckles so they dont bother me as much. but i want flawless skin. is there anyway to get rid of these stupid bumps? even when i used retin a micro they were still there. How do i get rid of my blackheads and clogged pores on my chin?
If you have health insurance, your best solution might be to visit a dermatologist. He/she can recommend prescription medications that are certain to work better than over-the-counter treatments, since they'll be tailored to act on your particular skin problems. This is what I currently use for my acne; my dermatologist prescribed a regimen of Tazorac, Duac, and minocycline. It works fantastically!

In addition to these, I use a tea tree oil toner from Bliss Soaps, a local company in Seattle. It's available from www.blissoap.com. If you don't want to mail-order your products, you could probably use any all-natural toner with a tea tree oil base. I cleanse my face with Cetaphil cleanser for sensitive skin. Be sure to use a gentle cleanser, since over-drying your face can cause your pores to tighten, trapping the blackheads inside. You also want to be sure to use a sunscreen during the day, since the medications increase the susceptibility of your skin to the sun. I use a Eucerin sunscreen/moisturizer with SPF 30. Any sunscreen marketed for facial use would probably work well.

Finally, I also use Biore pore strips occasionally; they can be useful for extracting clogs that are exposed at the surface of the skin.

Good luck!How do i get rid of my blackheads and clogged pores on my chin?
I saw the best results with medicated cream, it's called Benzaclin. I got it to use on my acne, but it cleared my blackheads as well. The problem with ';whiteheads'; is that sometimes they come from the lotion you use to moisturize your face. '; Whiteheads are form of acne and one of the greatest fears of the beauty - a build-up of oils, serum and dead skin that plugs up your pores.'; that's the answer I found on the internet. I found that exfoliating my face once or twice a week helps keep them at bay. Also I use the Johnson and Johnson cream cleanser and that helps my skin as well, but don't use it too often as it will dry out your skin a bit. I usually live it on my skin for about 5 minutes. I use it on my face, my decolletage and my upper back if I see any signs of breakouts. I use that every day that I don't use the Benzaclin.

Also if you do decide to go to your doctor and ask for the prescription but find out that it's too expensive, go to TogetherRX.com and get their prescription discount card, it took off about 40% off.
It might be overkill, but if you want acne completely gone, I've heard great things about ZenMed. I came across a website that has found a bunch of customer feedback about ZenMed. Your best bet is to at least check it out:


Best of luck
Goto the body shop! Just tell them whats up and they help! And most there stuff smells real nice! And its all natural so its good for your skin! The tea tree and sea weed are the best things for blackheads from there i think!

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