Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How can I get rid of my blackheads on my nose?

I have many blackheads on the side of my nose. How do I get rid of them, and also, how can I ';open my pores'; (as I have heard other people talk about to get rid of black heads)? Thanks!How can I get rid of my blackheads on my nose?
I've never, ever had a blackhead; however, my boyfriend has a few.

He's a big lover of the Biore Pore Strips. You leave them on for about fifteen minutes, and it totally cleans out your pores. Afterwards, squeeze that junk out of your nose, and follow with a nice warm water cleansing, and rinse with cold water.

Your pores ';open'; when they're exposed to warm water and ';close'; when exposed to cool water.

Make sure you wash your face at least at night. Use an astringent to take off your makeup.

Be sure you eat plenty of fruits, and drink a lot of water to keep your pores tight and clean.How can I get rid of my blackheads on my nose?
use those strip thingsss.
proactive skin care products work
to open ur pores, u just have to wash ur face with hot water and then u use like neutrogena products on ur face. after u use it, u wash ur face with cold water to close the pores.
Benzoyl Peroxide is good for acne in general.
there's like a *wax* off thing

just go to walgreens or cvs
try a black %26amp; decker belt sander
What I do is get a facial, they take them out. Very careful about removing them, could scar. Maybe take a warm shower, piece of tissue between your fingers. Then gently press, not hard, they should pop little pressure.
try exfoliating them away.
biore pads are great, also you can try anything with salsylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
wash ur face...or ProActiv
You could try a dermatologist. They usually work.
if you want the cheapest way try a lime just a little piece get the lime juice where you want.(it's going to sting a little at first)
i have them 2 but just picth alot then get steming water and put tale over you back off your for a copel hours and put your face in the stem
umm use nuetrogena black head wash it works or use that thing it's a paper u stick on ur nose and it takes of black heads
Try the Queen Helene Mint Julep mask. It's totally old school as my mom has been using it since she was in high school but it cleans out your pores and then helps reduce the size of them. You can get it at any drug store, cheap, less than $5.
have steam everyday and then use strips.
I use bath golves, and ''Aveeno'' intensive moiturizer bar helps, and Neutogena face cleaner is good.
to open your pores, put a warm damp cloth over your face.

It depends on how old you are. If you are a teenager, don't rush to get rid of those. Because (as i'm sure you've heard many times before) its natural for that age to have a lot of black heads, zits, ect. But theres this Burts Bee's thing that i use, and it works. Its called the Blemish Stick. Sometimes it stings, but it gets rid of facial ';blemishes'; quickly.
With great difficulty.

Use a blackhead strip.
go to the beauty supply store and get a good mask or see the esthtetician in your local hair salon /day spa, she'll help you out
I don't have blackheads but try Clean and Clear my friends use it =)
facial scrubs at home.
Biore strips for one. Use exfoliating cream like apricot scrub when u was ur face.
exfoliate, try witch hazel exfloliator, r clean and clear's daily blackhead scrub

wash your face
get a ';blemish popper'; made by like revlon or some other brand pop all of them. then get really hot hot water and put it on a wash cloth, wring out the wash cloth and put it over ur nose

repeat that step like 3 times

that will open up your pores then just wash out your face and it will get rid of all the dirt that creates black heads
Introduce white heads and breed them out gradually.
i use to have 2 black heads in my nose,the way i got rid of it is by put hot water in your nose then squeeze it so it can come out.
i put green alcohol on mine.
they have like these stripo thing at target or cvs or other places like that the 1's i get are by biore

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