Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How do i get rid of blackheads and get a firm face with small pours?

some people have said lemon, some oils?,

i use clean and clear blackhead daily scrub, after with clean and clean blackhead toner and then spash my face with icey morning - i repeat this morning and night and mouistrise...

i just want to no what to use to get rid of blackheads and close my pours at the same time and how to apply it

thanks!How do i get rid of blackheads and get a firm face with small pours?
I've been using Clean and Clear Morning Burst Detoxifying Blue bead gel cleanser.

And been using Clean and Clear Oil-Free Foaming Facial Cleanser with triclosan. Listed on back ingrediant.

Best help/combo for me.

Sometimes Clay mask or Biore nose strips.How do i get rid of blackheads and get a firm face with small pours?
face wash tea tree and wtich hazel works best for me

for blackheads : nose strips
NO products are going to do it This will quickly and permanently rid face of blackheads, white heads and reduce pores.(See USERS happy responses below). Quite vigorous massage using any natural oil will work. Olive, coconut, sweet almond are good.

First tighten skin by tightening face muscles so that you will not be pulling skin. Use tips and front of fingers and palms depending where on face you massage. Do with a forward and back not circular motion

If do for 15 to 30 min min.daily (Doesn't have to be all in one session) blackheads will vanish and pores will reduce in as little as 2 to 3 days.

If massage entire face you will quickly have a radiant, tight, firm, totally blemish free, healthy skin and you will not need to use any other product or treatment ever again - not even moisturizers. Oils are perfect moisturizers. Do not remove oil, wipe away any surface excess with water and tissues. Does not leave face oily looking.


From: Wannabe blue28

';Omg, I've been following your advice and massaging my face vigorously with coconut oil for the last three days and I see results already! Thank you ever so much..this could be the solution to my all my skin problems. I'd messaged earlier asking about the pores on my face. They're very large and EVERYWHERE';.

From: Shaboo

';Hello Mukunda, i just wanted to drop you a line to say a big thank you. Your massage method works brilliantly. I have one question, you know once my skin is all nice and spot free ..... should i stop the massaging? or would you still advise to massage everyday for 30 mins?';

SOURCE(S): 24 years research/experimentation using only safe, natural treatments to permanently cure skin conditions..
My husband had a blackhead problem when I meet him I got him the blackhead scrub and toner like you did. But it only helped a little. What really worked well was the Biroe strips I used them on him twices a week till they were all gone then once a week for a few months till the pores were smaller now once a month.

Hope that helps

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